Low Vision Store

Low Vision Store

BlindSight’s Resource Store offers low vision products, adaptive devices, and technology for the blind and visually impaired. Visit our store or order by phone. If you don’t see something let us know and we may be able to special order it for you. Here is a small selection of the many fine products we offer.

Visit The Resource Store:
2915 Newport Gap Pike
Wilmington, Delaware


Canes are one of the most important identification and mobility aids for people who are blind or have low vision. The proper cane gives a person increased independence and freedom. We offer a selection of leading brands of canes, cane accessories and cane tips.


Talking watches speak the time, date and year. Most feature large black numbers against a white background making it easier to read. Some have hour and minute hands which light up in the dark.

Lighting Devices

OttLites produce natural light, reducing eyestrain and making things easier to read.


Hand-held magnifiers provide magnification and illumination for such tasks as reading a menu or label orchecking a price. Manufacturers include Eschenbach and Magno. Magnifications and sizes available are 3.5x/10D, 4x/12D, 5x/20D and 10x/38D.


Cocoon Low Vision UV Filter Sunglasses, which sharpen contrast and reduce light intensity, are developed specifically for individuals with low vision. These sunglasses fit comfortably and securely over prescription glasses.


Bold-writing pens with a thicker point create easy-to-see and -read bold, black lines. The ink is quick-drying and won’t smudge or bleed through paper.

Large Print Products

Notepads with bold lines and extra-wide spacing accommodate our bold-writing pens. We also carry a big print address book, as well as check and deposit registers in two different sizes.

Signature Guide

This unique device aids in proper alignment and spacing when signing checks, documents and important papers.

Recording Devices

The Micro-Speak Plus gives you up to 96 hours of high-quality recording time with the simple press of a button. It then can playback your recording immediately through its built-in speaker. Micro-Speak Plus provides spoken prompts and beeps concerning battery level, recording, and file deletion commands to assist blind, low vision and visually impaired users.

For more information, call James Fletcher, Store Manager (302) 998-5913 or toll-free (888) 777-3925.